Beautiful Creatures Blu-ray Movie


Beautiful Creatures Blu-ray Movie United States

Blu-ray + DVD + UV Digital Copy
Warner Bros. | 2013 | 124 min | Rated PG-13 | May 21, 2013

Beautiful Creatures (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: $12.49
Third party: $7.22 (Save 42%)
Listed on Amazon marketplace
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Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users4.2 of 54.2
Reviewer3.0 of 53.0
Overall3.4 of 53.4


Beautiful Creatures (2013)

A young man is drawn to a mysterious young girl who moves to his small town and stumbles on a crypt of her family secrets in this adapation of Kami Carcia and Margaret Stohl's series of novels.

Starring: Alden Ehrenreich, Alice Englert, Jeremy Irons, Viola Davis, Emmy Rossum
Director: Richard LaGravenese



  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 2.40:1
    Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1

  • Audio

    English: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)
    French (Canada): Dolby Digital 5.1
    Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1 (640 kbps)

  • Subtitles

    English SDH, French, Spanish

  • Discs

    50GB Blu-ray Disc
    Two-disc set (1 BD, 1 DVD)
    UV digital copy
    DVD copy

  • Packaging

    Slipcover in original pressing

  • Playback

    Region free 


Rating summary

Movie2.0 of 52.0
Video3.5 of 53.5
Audio4.0 of 54.0
Extras2.0 of 52.0
Overall3.0 of 53.0

Beautiful Creatures Blu-ray Movie Review

"Bless your heart, sugar. You must have been first in your litter!"

Reviewed by Kenneth Brown May 15, 2013

So begins -- and hopefully soon ends -- the post-Twilight age; an era sure to be defined by shameless pilfering, intense déjà vu, desperate market searches and hurried box office seizures, as studios and once-respectable filmmakers willingly sell their souls to score the next, big teen-driven supernatural mega-franchise. There's an Edward and Jacob-sized hole in adolescent cinema's still-racing heart, dear readers, and whoever manages to fill that hole will inherit a disturbingly literal fortune. Enter writer/director Richard LaGravenese's Beautiful Creatures, which might have been a contender... if, that is, it wasn't such an embarrassingly obvious grab at the Twilight coffers. With little to distinguish itself from the gathering genre crowd and even less to offer moviegoers looking for anything remotely fresh or unexpected, it flopped to the tune of $19 million in the States, $60 million worldwide. Hardly Stephenie Meyer numbers; hardly the series-generating cash cow Warner Bros. was looking for.

When young, lovelorn Ethan Lawson Wate (Alden Ehrenreich) saunters on screen, his slippery South Carolina drawwwwl as overripe as a sun-seared Georgia peach, it's all but inevitable that the gentlemanly teen dream will meet the love of his life within minutes. Sure enough, in glides Miss Lena Duchannes (Alice Englert), not only the girl of his dreams but the girl he keeps seeing in his dreams. Some of his more religious classmates aren't so happy to see her, and the vicious rumor being spread between fifth and sixth period is that the Duchannes family vacation at Lord Satan's summer cottage. (Cue hazy commentary on the evils of faith and the virtues of... faith. The movie isn't sure what it wants to say about religion, so "believe!" is about as agnostic or preachy as it gets.) Turns out the Salem Brigade is onto something, though. The Duchannes may not be witches, but they are "casters"... which are essentially witches, making the lengths to which they (and the filmmakers) go to re-brand their magical existence, even when secret, a rather odd exercise in PC hoop-jumping.

Casters are capable of creating illusions, enticing weak minds, shape-shifting, controlling the weather, spinning banquet tables at comical speeds, and other mystical, convenient-to-the-plot shenanigans, and, upon turning sixteen, either go "light" or "dark," the latter of which involves becoming evil incarnate. And guess who's about to celebrate her sweet sixteenth? Luckily for her, Ethan is determined to keep Lena on the side of the angels, which isn't made any easier by the arrival of Lena's mother, a powerful dark caster named Sarafine (Emma Thompson), and her sultry, nearly nude cousin, Ridley (Emmy Rossum), both of whom are up to no good. Can Ethan, Lena's uncle Macon (Jeremy Irons) and a caster bookkeeper (Viola Davis) prevent the poor girl from turning to the dark side? Do secrets buried since the Civil War hold the key to Ethan and Lena's future? Is there a way to break the curse that haunts the Duchannes ladies? Will Lena resist the Emperor and fight for the Republic or unleash her anger on Ethan in a fit of Force-wielding fury? The answers are as obvious as the film's clunky twists and turns are silly, and the teens' romance remains a snarky-turned-sappy fool's errand. Rest assured, love conquers all. Except enchanted Civil War-reenactment bullets. Love can't conquer those. Only plot holes can do that.

Need evidence that Beautiful Creatures is little more than thinly veiled Twilight counter-programming? Look no further than comments straight from the mouths of Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, co-authors of the 2009 young adult novel of the same name: "The teens that we were writing for"... pause. Which teens? Twilight teens. Onward. "The teens that were were writing for wanted to hear not only a boy's voice," as opposed to Bella's, "but they wanted the girl to be the powerful supernatural and the boy to be the mortal." That's right. Writing, not by meticulous design or inspiration, but by demographic mandate. Before LaGravenese's film adaptation was even a sparkle in Warner's eye, its story and characters were a product of assembly-line manufacturing and simple supply and demand calculation. It parts ways with Twilight on various occasions, of course, and LaGravenese (by way of Garcia and Stohl) goes out of his way to try and differentiate the two by film's end. Unfortunately, no amount of personality quirks, briefly glimpsed magic, overacting or endgame re-shuffling is capable of hiding the fact that Creatures has Twilight's blood pumping through its veins.

If it wasn't so smolderingly serious, Beautiful Creatures might have even worked as a tongue-in-cheek riff on Twilight's pouty, sparkling vamp saga. Instead, it takes its built-in audience for granted, relies on teens and lovesick moms to accept its pillaging wholesale, and offers up an array of casters that fail to grab hold of the imagination or linger in the mind. Worse perhaps is that Creatures isn't unwatchable. Thompson, Irons and Rossum (who has shockingly few minutes of screentime) are clearly having a lot of blast, and there's a warm slice of fun available to anyone hungry for the actors' supernaturally charged Southern Gothic shtick. (Particularly Rossum, who catwalks from scene to scene with a devilish come-hither stare and a deadly kiss hanging on her lips.) Ehrenreich does his best with an aw-shucks charm that would be right at home in Mayberry, and I suppose Englert summons enough angst and anxiety to keep the drama alive. But the romantic leads lack that certain, indelible spark and rarely, if ever, upstage their more theatrical co-stars or salvage the plodding, predictable script. Not that I think a sudden influx of chemistry would suddenly amount to movie magic. Too many fundamental problems debuff Beautiful Creatures' every spell and make it increasingly difficult to fall in love with anything other than the end credits.

Beautiful Creatures Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  3.5 of 5

Beautiful Creatures staggers between its dark, moon-cast nights and hot, twice-baked days with an unexpectedly inconsistent 1080p/AVC-encoded video presentation. As far as technical issues go, there aren't many. A bit of banding here, some unwieldy grain there; a spot of ringing, a pinch of over-saturated and three cups of crush. The real distractions -- jarring, intermittent softness, murky nighttime scenes and a sometimes significant, often negligible loss of shadow detail -- are most likely inherent to the Philippe Rousselot's photography, little consolation as that may be. (And no, I'm not including or referring to the stylized flashbacks and dream sequences that litter Ethan and Lena's revelations.) The film doesn't look bad by any means, and it appears reasonably film-like throughout despite its hit or miss contrast leveling. There are just too many unsightly horrors lurking around every corner. Otherwise, there isn't anything too alarming. Colors are warm and vibrant (when light is in ample supply), primaries are strong (albeit aesthetically skewed), skintones are decent (if not a touch bronzed), black levels are deep (no qualifier necessary), and fine detail is quite striking... again, when the sun is blazing and night has yet to fall. All told, Warner's encode is sound. I'm not sure fans of the film should expect much more.

Beautiful Creatures Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  4.0 of 5

Beautiful Creatures' DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track doesn't have enough opportunities to conjure any real magic, but its strong, assertive support of the film lends power and presence where they might otherwise be none. LFE output is firm and unyielding, licking its lips when casters go into battle and grabbing hold of the chaos that ensues when all hell breaks loose. The rear speakers follow suit, even though they're far more engaging when spells are being cast than when Ethan and Lena are cozying up to one another. Directionality is quite good, pans are smooth and the soundfield is relatively immersive, so long as you're willing to forgive a few too many sleepy, front-heavy stretches. And dialogue is clean and clear from start to finish, without any glaring issues of note.

Beautiful Creatures Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  2.0 of 5

  • Behind the Scenes (HD, 24 minutes): In an unfortunate trend that's sure to be replicated again and again, Warner has promoted its "Focus Point" featurettes to full-fledged extras, complete with separate menu entries and individual listings on the back cover. The six featurettes available aren't any longer than usual, though, and don't delve any deeper. They merely provide the appearance of a value-packed supplemental package, when in fact the opposite is true. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy quick-hit Focus Points as much as the next guy, but whatever happened to Maximum Movie Mode tracks? Production documentaries? Other intriguing features? Like Cloud Atlas and others before it, Beautiful Creatures' bonus material isn't nearly as satisfying or worthwhile as a quick scan might suggest. Segments are 3-5 minutes a piece, and include "Book to Screen," "The Casters," "Between Two Worlds," "Forbidden Romance," "Alternate Worlds" and "Designing the Costumes."
  • Deleted Scenes (HD, 8 minutes): Four unintentionally hilarious scenes in all, among them "Ridley Entices Link," "Ethan Calls on Emily," "Caster Party" and "Movie Theater."
  • Trailers (HD, 8 minutes): Three trailers and TV spot for the film, and a promo for Margaret Stohl's "Icons."

Beautiful Creatures Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  3.0 of 5

Beautiful Creatures pines for Twilight glory but comes up short, delivering a deformed clone with more superpowers but less heart or appeal. And considering the Twilight series had its own share of debilitating issues, Creatures is something of a mess, over-sold, overacted and overwhelmingly dull. Warner's Blu-ray release is a bit more satisfying, but it struggles with consistency with a decent but problematic video presentation, a solid DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track and a dead-end supplemental package. All more than adequate, if that is you enjoy Beautiful Creatures. If not, nothing else on the disc will make the film any more palatable.