Backwoods Marcy Blu-ray Movie


Backwoods Marcy Blu-ray Movie United States

Saturn's Core Audio & Video | 1998 | 2 Movies | 66 min | Not rated | Apr 26, 2022

Backwoods Marcy (Blu-ray Movie)


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Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users0.0 of 50.0
Reviewer3.5 of 53.5
Overall3.5 of 53.5


Backwoods Marcy (1998)

Donald, an arrogant "city boy" real estate broker gets lost in the Jersey Pine barrens until he meets a hooker and a homeless woman who terrorizes and stalks him. But his wrong turn gets even more horrific as he learns the hideous secret behind Backwoods Marcy.

Starring: David Castiglione, G.W. Lawrence, Dawn Murphy, Pamela Sutch
Director: Dawn Murphy



  • Video

    : TBA

  • Audio


  • Discs

    Blu-ray Disc
    Single disc (1 BD)

  • Playback

    Region A (B, C untested)


Rating summary

Movie1.5 of 51.5
Video3.0 of 53.0
Audio3.0 of 53.0
Extras5.0 of 55.0
Overall3.5 of 53.5

Backwoods Marcy Blu-ray Movie Review

Reviewed by Brian Orndorf April 16, 2022

1999’s “Backwoods Marcy” is trying to do something different with the horror genre. After decades of demeaning victim roles for women, writer/director/star Dawn Murphy wants to change things up, taking command of a movie that places a male character in jeopardy, with the female presence in the production a malevolent one. For that, credit is paid to the helmer, who’s actively attempting to subvert cliché with the concept, creating a slightly different exploitation endeavor. Appreciating “Backwoods Marcy” is one thing, but actually sitting through the shot-on-video effort requires tremendous patience with Murphy’s amateur approach, which often favors real-time screen movement and lifeless moments of suspense.

Donald (David Castiglione) is a big city businessman traveling to the middle of nowhere for a meeting, getting lost in the process. He finds a prostitute (Dawn Murphy) along the way, making time to cheat on his wife, and he’s offered help from Marcy (Dawn Murphy), a toothless local who needs a ride. The trip goes south, with Donald accidentally hitting Marcy with his car, leaving her for dead. However, the unwashed mistress of the swamp hasn’t expired, soon capturing and caging Donald, keeping him as her pet.

There’s not much to “Backwoods Marcy.” Donald gets lost, nearly kills Marcy, and is soon tormented by her. That’s it for action, with Murphy challenged to fill 66 minutes of screen time with whatever she can find. This includes time with Donald as he looks at directions, drives around the area, and grunts while tied up and caged. “Backwoods Marcy” is an incredibly slow feature for the type of film it wants to be, ignoring rampage and revenge elements to simply observe characters in vehicles and on the side of the road. Murphy tries to add some softcore heat with Donald’s prostitute encounter, and there are some severe consequences for Donald, who’s sexually assaulted by Marcy in the back of a van, which reads far more unsettling than it actually plays out.

Backwoods Marcy Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  3.0 of 5

"Backwoods Marcy" is a shot-on-video production, and the AVC image (1.32:1 aspect ratio) presentation reaches as far as it can with the low resolution of the picture. With such simplistic visuals, the viewing experience isn't too challenging, offering a limited sense of detail and depth with exteriors. Colors are passable, exploring hues on costuming and vehicles, while greenery dominates. Delineation is acceptable for this type of format. Source is in decent condition, without major elements of damage.

Backwoods Marcy Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  3.0 of 5

The 2.0 DTS-HD MA mix is a straightforward understanding of dialogue exchanges, which aren't always clear due to production limitations. Scoring offers repetitive synth that fares better, with some heavier offerings of bass.

Backwoods Marcy Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  5.0 of 5

  • Intro (5:57, SD) features actor Dave Castiglione.
  • Commentary features actor Dave Castiglione.
  • "A Sharkey Tale" (5:42, SD) is an interview with actor Dave Castiglione.
  • "Behind the Backwoods" (12:05, SD) combines BTS footage, outtakes, commentary, and interviews.
  • "Original 1999 Version" (72:40, SD) is the VHS cut of "Backwoods Marcy."
  • And a Trailer (2:15, SD) is included.
  • Bonus Movie: "An Ex-Hooker's Christmas" (72:12, SD) is offered.
  • Commentary features writer/director/star Dave Castiglione.
  • "Milly's Wonderful Life" (8:29, SD) is an interview with actress Laura Giglio.
  • Alternate Ending (1:32, SD) is included.
  • Blooper Reel (7:57, SD) is offered.
  • Behind-the-Scenes (12:05, SD) is a brief look at the creation of "An Ex-Hooker's Christmas."
  • Isolated Score (19:34, SD) is paired with still photos from the production.
  • And a Trailer (3:25, SD) is included.

Backwoods Marcy Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  3.5 of 5

There's just nothing to "Backwoods Marcy," which suffers from typical SOV limitations, including an intentional choice to drag every single scene out as long as possible, just to get the movie to a sellable run time. Again, kudos to Murphy for trying to turn the tables when it comes to gender roles in horror entertainment, creating a female monster to menace panicky males, but "Backwoods Marcy" is painfully inert, limiting the lasting impact of such a rare show of force.

Other editions

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