Forbidden World 4K Blu-ray Movie United States

4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
Shout Factory | 1982 | 1 Movie, 2 Cuts | 82 min | Rated R | Mar 18, 2025 (3 Weeks)

Forbidden World 4K (Blu-ray Movie)


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Forbidden World 4K (1982)

On the remote planet of Xarbia, a scientific experiment has gone horrifically wrong. An experimental life-form known as Subject 20,” created by an elite group of scientists to prevent a major galactic food crisis, has instead mutated into a man-eating organism. It’s getting bigger, it has the ability to change its genetic structure at will and, worst of all, it’s hungry. Very, very hungry!

Starring: Jesse Vint, Dawn Dunlap, June Chadwick, Linden Chiles, Fox Harris
Director: Allan Holzman
